Ups n Downs

I had several posts in draft form, all for NZ Style curvettes challenge and, I have been remiss in my photo uploading so the posts has never seen the light of day. Sorry Megan :( 
As if becoming the norm, I am taking time away from the internet, more and more, actually. I have been happy enough to just spend time with my OH, the hound or I am asleep. (Thanks shift work) 

I have been stable in my mental health and this has made me quite confident that life in getting more manageable only to have a stressful situation spiral me into a mild (Very mild) panic attack. This if course left me with no conversational skills and this made things awkward. UGH. The depressive hangover is a bitch too. Still bouncing back does happen and I am much better than I was on Saturday. Phew. 

As for the outfit posts. Eh. Sorta pointless now. I'll see. 
I have to finish the tail end of my free courses before I dive into the paid ones.. Beau is helping me source a second hand laptop and my only back died. BOO. I could buy a new apple lappy but I just need it for word processing so why spend heaps?? I am hoping it works out. Least I know these guys (Beau and Evan) look after their stuff. 
Big sigh.. Well.. least I am moving forwards..if only very slowly. 

Therapy today :)  


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