NZ Curvettes - BRIGHT

This week is bright. I tend to miss a lot of these as I can't seem to find the linky until Sat or Sunday evening ( I have now, I am a retard sometimes)  and by that time I tend to forget! OOPS. I even just did a post on stripes today and now I realised I should have done that for next week! **Headsmack**

Bright is right up my alley but as I sit here at my desk., I realise I am currently anything but bright.. Drat.

My photo shoots of the week were a fail as I forgot to return my camera to auto focus from macro but lets see what I have from this week :)
Earlier this week I got that amazing coat from Macy's in the USA. I lusted after it and it finally arrived  on Monday. I tried it on and .......My mother aquired it. These are the only photos I got of the coat before it slipped from my grasp forever.

As you can see I was woken by the courier and stil have bed hair and my nightie on.. It was aluscious yellow and you can make it cropped but the arms were after too short for me. BOO. Mother used this as excuse to take it and give it a home with her.  I am still sad.. 

The only other bright this hair changed from mermaid blue/green to a bright rasberry and purple.. :) Its really bright in really life.

Mermaid hair and Asos dress 

Changed to a bright red/rasberry :)

May your week be bright!!


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