Count down

Sand Pictures

This will be the longest week ever. I finally get one day off Yay!!! But i will have to spend most of that looking for uniform that fits :-( most is too small and the large stuff is just too large. I may have to find a guard's uniform... :-( it gets worse, i have to wear a long sleeved shirt! Don't ask.

I get a few free meals and I get top spend the day with D. This is no longer a daily event we used to work together when i was a guard. But now it's rare to even interact with him as his trains don't traverse my sections of control often. So wearing a uniform that looks like i was sleeping in it is a small price to pay.

Today was odd at best. The drug testers arrived at 1300, this is not usual, they are not supposed drug test in the last hour. There is a story there but no one for a public forum.

Koen is delighting me with amazing photos from his drive across France. All very cool. I was reminded of how expensive roaming is when he mentioned to me that he used €50 of data in two days. I did similar when i was there, but least mine was pre-paid. Phew!!

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Scared the crap outta Imad and wicks which made people laugh so the crew were reasonable today. Just the one person sucking life out but je is easily ignored and didn't go near me all day.

Quiet day chat wise :-( poor Tim is stuck in law, Mick and Jim working then bed... Koen as you all know in France so no one available to keep me company. Rats. I am spoilt really, my hubby was chasing trains..., so i had to just read a book. ::shock::

Hope to do a few more pics tonight.

Did manage some uploads to redbubble..I have been neglecting my redbubble and zazzle of late. Although a few snake and running shirts have sold. :-)

Had a fight with an ebay seller who took 4 days to tell me that they don't post to P.O. Boxes, and no I cant change addressed. I demanded a refund, and think i got it... Hmmmmm when i see the money, i will leave negative feedback. If you have postage restrictions, put then on the auction. Grrr

Awaiting my now late running train... Bets it misses the connection...

Swallows were upset at my presence

Reflections at Wolli Creek


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